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CruiseCritic K - Cancers and Leos butt heads alot. mmm, hmmm says Libra and talks about 0 2:52AM 12/08/2008
CruiseCritic Girls in hippie room are once again quiet and no feeds on HOH room NT 0 2:53AM 12/08/2008
iknowbigbro Houseguest quit noody talking all in bed. NT 0 2:54AM 12/08/2008
CruiseCritic F1 on Libra in bed, F2 on pan of hippie room, F3 looks like Ollie and Dan in bed and 0 2:58AM 12/08/2008
TommysMom Everyone still sound asleep. NT 0 4:48AM 12/08/2008
Shdbepaintin All still sleeping. NT 0 7:20AM 12/08/2008
Shdbepaintin Now we have fishies. NT 0 8:02AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Feeds are back. April is messing with pots and pans in the kitchen. 0 8:32AM 12/08/2008
seascorpion Feeds back- Jerry walks around with his shirt off yelling that he's lost 10 pounds and he's gonna be in great shape when he leaves. NT 0 8:34AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 April killed a 'huge' fly in the kitchen. 0 8:37AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Michelle is just complaing about having a DR session this early in the morning. BB just called Memphis to the DR just now. NT 0 8:39AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 BB: Good morning, HGs. It's time to get up for the day. NT 0 8:40AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Keesha just hugged Michelle after she told her parents Happy Anniversary. 1 8:42AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Libra has emerged and is in the kitchen with Keesha and Renny. NT 1 8:43AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 BB: Ollie, I said, it's time to get up for the day! NT 0 8:44AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Jerry says good morning to Michelle and Memphis. Memphis says it back. Dan is rubbing on his face to try and wake up in the bathroom. NT 0 8:46AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Michelle says it looks scary outside. Apparently there's an overcast and it usually doesn't clear up until sometime around 10am. They are all hoping 0 8:48AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 BB: Ollie, please go to the Diary Room. 0 8:52AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Renny is cooking. Keesha can't believe it's this early and she's (Renny) 'ready to go' NT 0 8:56AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 The DR just called Libra to go in there. (They're in and out of there pretty fast too) NT 0 9:02AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Renny is cooking for some in the house. Eggs Benedict. She cooked for Jerry, Dan, and just asked Memphis if he wanted some. 0 9:07AM 12/08/2008
joyusangel Jerry just coughed and sneezed all over counter without covering his mouth NT 0 9:08AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Michelle joined the two in the Spa Room. She's talking about Holly (the stuffed dog) 0 9:10AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Now Michelle wants to brush Holly out. She asked renny for something to brush her with. Jerry ended up giving her something, 0 9:13AM 12/08/2008
folieadeux8381 Michelle, Renny, and April are making over a stuffed dog... NT 0 9:15AM 12/08/2008
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