BB12 Archive : Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

tired_old_man Brit has a deck of cards in HOH 0 9:11PM 06/09/2010
BestBBEver Lane says that if Hayden wins the 500g's he is going to take it from him by getting him to invest in his oil stuff, then he laughs NT 0 9:18PM 06/09/2010
Gorf Brit ask if Georga will like her. Lane says he dosnt know because she is a *then spells something out* and we get bubbles NT 0 9:18PM 06/09/2010
rwwgaw Brit asks if Lane's sister in law (Georgia) will like her; he tells her to not say it out loud but Georgia is a (writes something); Bubbles NT 0 9:19PM 06/09/2010
BestBBEver Enzo wants everyone to play hide & seek & they get to punch each other when they are found NT 0 9:21PM 06/09/2010
BestBBEver Enzo says he is going to hide in the cabana room under all the stuff & they say he can just stand in their & be invisible cuz it is such a mess! NT 0 9:21PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Brit asks Lane if he'll give her a thousand dollars if he wins the half million. 0 9:23PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Enzo farted in HOH and Britney said "Eewwwww." NT 0 9:30PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Lane's reading candy label. 0 9:34PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man They're talking about having a clock in the house. 0 9:43PM 06/09/2010
Mere Brit talking about Kathy probably getting demoted to a traffic cop 0 9:52PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Talking about Kathy. 0 9:55PM 06/09/2010
rwwgaw Brit telling Enzo that you have to be prepared to not be that famous when you leave; He disagrees saying that he will be very famous 0 10:01PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Dr. Will says for a few months everyone knows you - you're famous. 0 10:02PM 06/09/2010
Mere Britney is telling Enzo to prepare himself for the truth that when he gets out of there they will be a nobody 0 10:04PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Brit could be a sideline reporter. 0 10:05PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Britney pesters Lane to go get his beard dye and come back to HOH. 0 10:11PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man HOH crew says the bugs are all big in L.A. 0 10:19PM 06/09/2010
Mere The 4 discuss the bugs out there and the weather. Enzo is confused about Christmas there. 0 10:19PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Lane & Enzo are cracking about how messy the house is. 0 10:25PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Enzo says there are streaks on the kitchen floor. 0 10:31PM 06/09/2010
Brendabythebay All 4 in hoh ... brit calls a "do the cheers" and they toast final 4 season 12 cheers. NT 0 10:36PM 06/09/2010
tired_old_man Lane & Enzo bring the beer and wine up to the HOH. 0 10:39PM 06/09/2010
rwwgaw Enzo tells Brit and Hayden that since they have nothing to do tomorrow, they will clean; Brit makes a face implying she knows whats up tomorrow NT 0 10:39PM 06/09/2010
Brendabythebay Now we keep getting intermittent bubbles while Brit trying to explain to the guys to stop and think about it, 0 10:39PM 06/09/2010
BB12 Archive : Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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