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MadHatter Danielle, Dan and Shane in the "boom boom room". Ian still in the BR with Ashley and Brit weighing himself... says he is 118 NT 0 1:15PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter He came in the house at 124 but has been down to 108 and is now 118 NT 0 1:16PM 02/08/2012
Jade Ian wondering if he lost any weight since he ate cereal all week. He weighs himself. He is not wearing his mic, but it sounds 0 1:16PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Brit says to ASh what if Franks stays today , what if someone is lying to us .. Ashley says she will die. Ash tells Brit about 0 1:18PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Joe and Dan in SR... Dan wants to see where Joe is at and how he feels.. Joe says ok.. no BS .. He loves Danielle without her 0 1:20PM 02/08/2012
myopinion Dan and Joe in storage room discussing game NT 0 1:21PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Joe tells Dan he respects his game and wanted him as a coach. Dan says what happened yesterday is water under the bridge.. Joe is 0 1:21PM 02/08/2012
BB_Addiction Joe goes to Ashley and Britney and tells them everything Dan just said. NT 0 1:24PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Joe looking for Janelle... Joe tells Brit and Ash about his conversation with Dan.. Joe says Dan said he wanted to make sure 0 1:24PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Joe and Janelle is SR... Joe relaying his conversation with Dan to Janelle.Janelle says you will be good if you survive this week 0 1:26PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Wil, Shane and Danielle in round bed in "boom boom room" Very hard to hear. Shane tells them that they are the only ones 0 1:29PM 02/08/2012
BB_Addiction Wil, Danielle, Shane laying in bed talking. They all believe the HoH competition will be endurance. NT 0 1:29PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Danielle says she isnt worried about endurance.. she says she will stand up there and get frostbite. NT 0 1:30PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Danielle says Ian has been cornering her today and saying Sh** about everyone.. BB says "Danielle please stop playing with your 0 1:33PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Ashley and Brit talk about how uncomfortable things will be tonight.. it will be like a "friggin bomb" has gone off 0 1:34PM 02/08/2012
BB_Addiction Shane says if the coaches come in it will "screw up everything" NT 0 1:35PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Britney wont go pee until the BR doesnt stink.. she says everyone has been pooping in there all morning.. has Ian check if it 0 1:35PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Wil, Danielle, Shane still in round bed.. Danielle picking her face, Wil picking his hair. NT 0 1:37PM 02/08/2012
BB_Addiction Shane is explaining septic systems to Wil and Danielle as they try to figure out what is above the boom boom room. NT 0 1:38PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Ashley and Brit still in BR on couch .. Dan showering.Boogie there now too... general chit chat NT 0 1:42PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Wil leaves the round bed to go lie down in "skid row" leaving Danielle and Shane there alone... keep getting trivia NT 0 1:44PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Danielle telling Shane how Frank followed her all over last night.. Says Frank tried to get Ashley to sleep somewhere else 0 1:48PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Boogie and Ian talking in the BR. Danielle left to go to DR to ask about her medicine.. Boogie asks .. "when is 6 oclock gonna get 0 1:50PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Ashley and Boogie lying in the BR . Ian and Dan there too NT 0 1:51PM 02/08/2012
MadHatter Frank cooking in the kitchen ... Joe and Brit there too.. and Danielle getting some cereal. NT 0 1:51PM 02/08/2012
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