April Jennifer Ashlea Janelle Ivette Beau Eric Maggie Howie Rachel Kaysar Michael James Sarah

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Anonymous feeds came back 0 12:55PM 11/08/2005
kymomof2terrors howie asking hat or gel NT 0 12:57PM 11/08/2005
kymomof2terrors rach iv bo mag tring to pick out clothes bb told them wear comfortable clothes NT 0 1:00PM 11/08/2005
Anonymous talking about what to wear 0 1:02PM 11/08/2005
Anonymous haha beau giving maggie fashion tips 0 1:09PM 11/08/2005
kymomof2terrors still talking about what they are wearing NT 0 1:29PM 11/08/2005
kymomof2terrors iv yelling happy birthday mom even though its tommorow getting a head start and still tring on clothes NT 0 1:37PM 11/08/2005
rockabye Maggie wants black pants in case she has to pee in them. NT 0 1:44PM 11/08/2005
Anonymous April and Maggie in barracks 0 1:53PM 11/08/2005
Lelie FISH all feeds NT 0 2:08PM 11/08/2005
Lelie feed returned NT 0 2:15PM 11/08/2005
Lelie beau upset 0 2:17PM 11/08/2005
Lelie I/H/R in LR 0 2:21PM 11/08/2005
pittsburgh24 April going to DR to have them look at the tapes to see who is using Beau's stuff - because that is stealing NT 0 2:22PM 11/08/2005
Snarky Ape going to the DR 0 2:23PM 11/08/2005
Lelie beau still ranting 0 2:27PM 11/08/2005
Lelie ivette screaming 0 2:28PM 11/08/2005
Anonymous Good lord Ivette is screaming making a god awful noise NT 1 2:28PM 11/08/2005
Lelie FISH! NT 0 2:29PM 11/08/2005
Lelie Feed returns NT 0 2:29PM 11/08/2005
Lelie Ivette ecstatic over finding her hair dryer NT 0 2:31PM 11/08/2005
Lelie H/R talking 0 2:34PM 11/08/2005
Jana Rach commented to Howie she let Mag know that April and Jen are turning on Ivette- she told Maggie to keep it a secret and she is 0 2:39PM 11/08/2005
Lelie H/B/R in bedroom 0 2:39PM 11/08/2005
Zazny Ivette says when she wears her black dress... 0 2:44PM 11/08/2005
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