Clearing skies today for Brendan, as the houseguests continue to believe Hayden's absurd stories regarding how jury votes would fall. Still a cloudy outlook for Brendan, as he's a easy target for double eviction.
90% chance of Matt going on the block. A severe plotting and scheming warning is in effect.

Today's Weather Report for Houseguests
Lane - L - GOOD
Hayden - H - GOOD with a 10% chance of a freak nomination. Not to worry folks. Britney would break a tie in his favor.
Ragan - R - GOOD; a severe tear warning is in effect until Friday
Enzo - E - POOR
Matt - M - DISMAL with a 60% possibility of a silver veto prize lining

Today's Fairly Solidified Real or Fake Alliances Report
Matt and Ragan - Mattzilla
Mattzilla common interests:
Keep around: M, R, BI, BE, L, H in that order Ditch: E
How is Mattzilla doing in recognizing these interests: OK, given the bizarre existence of the
dumb alliance.
Alliance outlook: Poor Ragan

Everybody but Brendan - Dumb Alliance
Dumb alliance common interests: Keep Brendan
How is the dumb alliance doing in recognizing these interests: Horrible - Most of them still want to ditch him
Dumb outlook: Awesome! Brendan won POV!

Britney and Lane - Blandney Alliance
Blandney common interests: Keep BI, L, R, M in that order
How is Blandney doing in recognizing these interests: Not so amazing. The Hayden snowstorm has blinded them.
Blandney outlook: Fine, especially if Britney continues to feel close to Ragan.

Britney, Lane, Hayden - Haypnotized Blandney
Blandney common interests: At least a slight preference to keep Ragan and Lane
How is Haynotized Blandney doing at recognizing these interests: Fine, if you mean Hayden
Haypnotized Blandney outlook: This alliance is designed to die after the DE. The only question
is whether Hayden will take the risk of trying to arrange things such that
the death of the alliance leaves Britney feeling betrayed by Lane.

Hayden, Enzo, Lane, Matt - Brigade
Brigade common interests: Keep Ragan.
How is the Brigade doing with recognizing this: Too well.
Brigade outlook: This successful alliance will be outlived by its one remaining common interest.

Lane, Enzo, Hayden - Mothra
Mothra common interests: Keep R, BE
How is Mothra doing?: Not so awesome.
Mothra outlook: Doomed. One of Ragan, Brendan or Enzo will be gone by Thursday.

Hayden and Enzo - Henzo
Henzo common interests: Do what Hayden says
How's that going: Awesome except for Enzo's lack of subtlety.
Henzo outlook: Poor, down from very good. Hayden seems to have jumped ship to Lane in terms
of loyalty, which is the better move for him.